Alan Strachan, Ph. D. Santa Cruz Area Marriage and Family Therapist
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Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
~ Martin Luther King


Lure of the Ring book by Alan Strachan and Janet Cosner

The Lure of the Ring

Power, Addiction and Transcendence
in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings

“The Lure of the Ring compellingly captures the essence of addiction, the seduction of power, and the nature of embodied spiritual transformation. I highly recommend this wise and engaging book.”

— Richard Rohr, O.F.M., Founder of Center for Action and Contemplation

“The Lure of the Ring is one of those few books that honors and ignites the power and mystery of the interior life. It is an inspirational book that demonstrates how personal mythology directs our actions and organizes our experiences. . . . A ‘must read’ as it is so relevant for human beings, individually and collectively at this time in history!”

— Angeles Arrien, Ph.D., Cultural Anthropologist, author of The Second Half of Life and Living in Gratitude

To learn more or order your copy, see
The Lure of the Ring